A night of culture

Museums are places where people find peace. Museums, at night, become something much more special: visit the Nit del Museus!
Save the date: 13th of May, 2023
On the 13th of May 2023, Barcelona celebrates The Long Night of Museums. As the name says, it's a night when museums open their doors for free from 19:00 to 01:00 (note the “for free” quality of the event). It's a great way to see the exhibitions differently because both the permanent and temporary collections change in the light of night. In addition, the Nit dels Museums (in Catalan) offers the opportunity to enjoy activities for all ages, such as family workshops, live performances and guided tours.

This global event began in Berlin in 1997 and is now held in 120 European cities. In Barcelona, many centres specialising in art, archaeology, history, authors, ethnology, palaeontology, ceramics, zoology, film, design and much more participate.
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Free museums in Barcelona: a night to enjoy
Here’s the list of museums that generally have entrance tickets that are for free on this date:

– Macba
– Museu Picasso de Barcelona
– Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch
– Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món, sede Montjuïc
– Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món, sede Montcada
– Museu Arqueològic de Barcelona MAC
– Museu de Ciències Naturals
– Jardí Botànic de Barcelona

Apart from these, you can, of course, enter the usually free ones. This Nit dels Museus initiative belongs to the International Museum Day event programming, which is celebrated on the 18th of May worldwide.
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Better plan ahead
Free museums in Barcelona? Yes, please! As it is an event that attracts many people, there are considerable queues to get into museums, especially those that are more central or famous. Plan your visit and see if it's worth the wait; there may be smaller museums that carry more magic on a night.
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Museums are places where people find peace. Museums, at night, become something much more special: visit the Nit del Museus!
Save the date: 13th of May, 2023
On the 13th of May 2023, Barcelona celebrates The Long Night of Museums. As the name says, it's a night when museums open their doors for free from 19:00 to 01:00 (note the “for free” quality of the event). It's a great way to see the exhibitions differently because both the permanent and temporary collections change in the light of night. In addition, the Nit dels Museums (in Catalan) offers the opportunity to enjoy activities for all ages, such as family workshops, live performances and guided tours.

This global event began in Berlin in 1997 and is now held in 120 European cities. In Barcelona, many centres specialising in art, archaeology, history, authors, ethnology, palaeontology, ceramics, zoology, film, design and much more participate.
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Free museums in Barcelona: a night to enjoy
Here’s the list of museums that generally have entrance tickets that are for free on this date:

– Macba
– Museu Picasso de Barcelona
– Museu Olímpic i de l’Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch
– Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món, sede Montjuïc
– Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món, sede Montcada
– Museu Arqueològic de Barcelona MAC
– Museu de Ciències Naturals
– Jardí Botànic de Barcelona

Apart from these, you can, of course, enter the usually free ones. This Nit dels Museus initiative belongs to the International Museum Day event programming, which is celebrated on the 18th of May worldwide.
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Better plan ahead
Free museums in Barcelona? Yes, please! As it is an event that attracts many people, there are considerable queues to get into museums, especially those that are more central or famous. Plan your visit and see if it's worth the wait; there may be smaller museums that carry more magic on a night.
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